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The Vagina Hack


Toronto, ON


Senior Art Director: Abby Lind

Senior Copywriter: Rob Ramsay

We had an internal competition to tackle an issue for one of our clients (who will remain nameless for now).

They had a complicated problem: Despite the millions spent to normalize periods, women still don’t understand their own bodies, particularly when it comes to reproduction. Gen Z doesn’t want sugarcoated information – they just want to be told the uncomplicated truth. But the category (and let’s be real: society) still believes women don’t want to know – or can’t handle – the truth.


So how does this brand deliver the education women want and encourage them to proactively request their contraception product?

The Vagina Hack

Women want to know more about their reproductive health – and they want it straight –
but the place where they spend the most time, social media, makes getting the
un-sugarcoated information impossible... until now.

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